
Friday, March 29, 2024

ETF: GLD 20240328


Y-Axis is GLD Price in Dollars, X-Axis is Time.

The graph includes the training data 2020-2022 as well as the validation data 2023-

"Short" signal on 20240308 and filled on 20240311 @ $202.00

"Long" signal on 20240311 and filled on 20240312 @ $199.79

“Short” signal on 20240328 to be filled on 20240401 on open

Also can be viewed on substack here.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

ETF: GLD 20240315


Y-Axis is GLD Price in Dollars, X-Axis is Time.

The model provided a "Short" signal on 20240308 and filled on 20240311 @ $202.00

The graph includes the training data 2020-2022 as well as the validation data 2023-

These data can also be found here on my substack.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

2020.02.21 Gold Cycle Model Chart

2020.02.21 Gold cycle Model Chart

The higher prices predicted from the last model run in June, 2019 seen below on the blog have materialized, and the current model run suggests prices rising and then leveling off near ~ $2100 by Fall, 2020. There is a possibility of a right phase shift, but the model estimates prices < ~$1500 have a probability of < ~5% and prices > ~$1600 have a probability of  > ~90% in the next few months. The medium-term AI model is on buy as of 2021.02.18.  All models are wrong but some are useful.